what strollo provided
Echo had an urgent need to expand the depth of their product development experience especially with respect to design for reliability, manufacturability and cost. To achieve this, Echo partnered with Strollo.
Strollo Design was instrumental in the success of the Revolve microscope, integrating with the Echo engineering team to establish a robust architecture, lead the product design and implement the manufacturing strategy. Strollo also did a great job designing the complex injection-molded plastic covers and die-cast parts, achieving the aesthetic and cost goals for the program.
The Strollo team carefully assessed the design status against the goals and constraints, and then successfully led the design, fabrication, and assembly of subsequent prototype in-house builds. The Strollo team provided essential strategic, tactical, and technical design guidance to Echo throughout these builds. Strollo also introduced Echo to their Asian manufacturing partner and recruited a VP of engineering to ultimately manage the development effort while Echo progressed through two rounds of seed funding.
Strollo stayed on to support Echo through the second generation of their flagship product (Revolve) and helped to introduce their low-cost version (Rebel). Both products were hugely successful.
In 2021, Echo was acquired by Cellink AB for ≈US$110M.